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Magnific Mart

Magnific Mart

Professional Shampoo 500ml

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Sold by: Inhouse product

Tk. 1,800 /500ml
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Tk. 1,350 /500ml

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Naturally derived ingredients such as mulberry bark, centella asiatica, green tea, mugwort, adlay seed, iris root, cnidium root, and allantoin are formulated in an optimal ratio to help with frequent hair loss or sensitive and hot scalp. In addition, you can feel a refreshing feeling by cleansing the oily scalp due to dust accumulated from the outside or excessive sebum secretion. The most naturally occurring ingredients, mulberry bark, cinnabar, green tea, wormwood, adlay, iris roots, celestial roots, allantoin, which are blended with the optimal ratio, are often used for hair loss or sensitive scalp care. Functional shampoo deanses oily scalp due to dust accumulated from the outside or excessive sebum secretion, and makes you feel better.
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